No date on Nic Nat return

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 03 April 2013 | 16.55

SOFTLY SOFTLY: West Coast is taking no risks with Nic Naitanui. Picture: Daniel Wilkins Source: PerthNow

NIC Naitanui's comeback is on hold indefinitely in a major blow to West Coast's 2013 premiership aspirations.

Last year's All-Australian ruckman is still struggling with groin soreness and is unable to step up his training load to the level required.

Eagles coach John Worsfold admitted the club didn't know when Naitanui would be able to resume full training.

When he does, the 22-year-old will then require three weeks of solid training before being ready to play a match.

It is understood a cautious West Coast is prepared to be without Naitanui for virtually the first half of the season if it means he can be fit for the remainder and be primed for an impact in the finals.

A frank Worsfold was prepared to be without Naitanui for some time.

"He hasn't been able to step up to anywhere near full training yet," he said.

"If he steps up and has a harder session and gets sore, then his next session can't be harder again.

"So really you don't know. He could just progress through every session and be up and going in a few weeks.

"Or if he keeps getting some soreness as he progresses up, we'll just stay at that level for a little bit longer.

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"We want to prepare Nic to be able to come in and play full games. We probably won't go down the option of giving him a half a game in a reserves team somewhere.

"It's likely we'll just train him up until he's really ready to go. So that may hold him back till he is actually playing footy again."

The Eagles are prepared to be conservative with one of the most valuable commodities on their playing list.

"These injuries can linger over the course of full seasons and multiple seasons," Worsfold said.

"We don't want that to happen."

In better news, midfielder Daniel Kerr is likely to make his comeback following knee surgery for East Fremantle in the WAFL on Saturday.

West Coast hosts Hawthorn at Patersons Stadium on Sunday.

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