LeCras could face the Dees

Written By Unknown on Senin, 08 April 2013 | 16.55

Eagle Mark LeCras comes off the ground with a serious arm injury. Picture: Daniel Wilkins Source: PerthNow

STAR West Coast forward could make a shock return against Melbourne on Saturday, just three weeks after breaking his arm.

LeCras is listed as a "test" on the Eagles' injury list and could join West Coast's travelling party to Melbourne on Thursday.

The West Coast website has reported that If the mercurial goalkicker trains without discomfort this week he is poised to play, in another blow to the Demons and coach Mark Neeld's embarrassing start to the season.

LeCras underwent surgery following his injury and had a plate inserted into his arm. He was on fire in the Round 1 derby before colliding with Docker Tendai Mzungu.

The Eagles could also welcome back Daniel Kerr for the MCG clash after he gathered 23 disposals in the WAFL on Saturday.

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